Alaina Gertz

Deputy Director of Communications
Fairfax County Police Department

Alaina Gertz currently serves as the Deputy Director of Public Affairs for the Fairfax County Police Department. Previously, she held the position of Lead Public Affairs Specialist in the Office of Communications for the Metropolitan Police Department (Washington, DC). In her new role, Alaina takes on the responsibilities of promoting police department activities and programs, coordinating media efforts for various incidents and events, and managing crisis communications through social media, press conferences, and media availabilities. Noteworthy events in her career include overseeing media relations for the US Capitol Insurrection, the 2021 Presidential Inauguration, and the 2019 Nationals World Series Championship.

Alaina earned her Master's degree in Strategic Communication from Pennsylvania State University and her Bachelor's in Public Relations and Strategic Communication from American University. An active member of the National Information Officers Association, Alaina continues to contribute her expertise to the field of public affairs and communications.

Alaina Gertz’s Session

10:30 a.m.–11:15 a.m. PT — Wednesday, April 10, 2024

#XcellenceInAction: Elevate Your Twitter Brand

280 characters is all it takes to tell your story. In this dynamic presentation, dive into the art of utilizing X (Twitter) as a strategic tool to connect with communities effectively. In a world where attention spans are fleeting, harnessing the creativity of social media becomes crucial. This session isn't just about tweets; it's about creating engagement that resonates with the public. From crafting compelling tweets during emergencies to building a social presence that fosters trust to telling the behind-the-scenes stories of first responders, explore the best practices that will elevate your impact on Twitter.

Key learning points:

  1. Crafting Attention-Grabbing Tweets: Learn techniques to compose concise yet impactful tweets that grab attention.
  2. Building Trust Through Social Presence: Understand how to cultivate a trustworthy and approachable online persona, strengthening the connection with the community.
  3. Crisis Communication Strategies: Explore best practices for utilizing Twitter as a real-time communication platform during emergencies.
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