Sophia Champieux

Public Relations Manager
Orange County Fire Authority

Sophia Champieux is on the Communications team at the Orange County Fire Authority in Southern California. With a wealth of experience spanning both private and public sectors, Sophia spearheads the Authority's award-winning engagement efforts, connecting with approximately 2 million residents of Orange County through various communication channels.

As a true storyteller at heart, Sophia is passionate about sharing the remarkable achievements of the Authority, weaving these stories into media releases, captivating videos, impactful social media campaigns, and innovative safety initiatives.

Sophia Champieux’s Session

1:30 p.m.–2:15 p.m. PT — Thursday, April 11, 2024

How to Scale Your Social Media Efforts

Dive into the strategy behind some of the largest Orange County public safety agencies. We’ll walk through considerations on adding social media channels, deciding what channels are appropriate to get communities the information they need, and how even small agencies with limited resources can expand their social footprint in an impactful way. 

We’ll share some of the best practices for training your social media teams and resources you can share with them to ensure their success – from those just starting on social media to seasoned professionals who need to stay up-to-date with social media trends. 

Check out our early bird ticket prices!
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