Andreas Sandre
Press and Public Affairs OfficerEmbassy of Italy in the United States
Andreas Sandre is the author of “Digital Diplomacy: Conversations on Innovation in Foreign Policy” (Rowman & Littlefield, January 2015) and “Twitter for Diplomats” (DiploFoundation, February 2013). His research on TikTok will be featured in the upcoming “Oxford Handbook on Digital Diplomacy” (Oxford University Press, 2022). Andreas is a Press and Public Affairs Officer at the Embassy of Italy in Washington, DC. He was previously at the Italian Mission to the United Nations in New York. Andreas has contributed articles to the Huffington Post, the Global Policy Journal, and other publications. He has spoken at numerous international events, including TEDxStockholm and Mashable Digital Beltway in Washington, DC, focusing on social media and technology for good, digital diplomacy, digital communications strategies, and technology policy. Find him on Twitter: @andreas212nyc, or on TikTok and Instagram: @wearedigitaldiplomacy.