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The ever-evolving landscape of social media platforms requires carefully crafted strategies that are not only adaptable, engaging, and inclusive but also tailored to each platform algorithm.  With so many algorithm changes and new platforms emerging, it’s imperative that we understand the most effective strategies for each channel — including how the algorithms are designed, the ways in which they have changed recently, and where new platforms emerging have altered the landscape. 

These channels are incredibly powerful for communicating, connecting, and collaborating in their own ways, and with so many platforms, it can be difficult to classify them into one category for our work. With that in mind, we will examine them on an individual level to digest the value-add opportunities and the ways in which they influence one another. This session will review the most used social media platforms within the higher education industry and a few new players in the landscape. 


  • Understand the current state of social media platforms and the various algorithms we are all trying to navigate (and dominate!). 
  • Learn strategic approaches to ensure your brand’s social media content is designed for success on each social media platform. 
  • Gain insights and skills in dynamic tactics to craft strategies, content, and engagement approaches that succeed across platforms.

Erica Colaianne
Director of Social Media
University of Michigan