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Apply to Speak

Present alongside higher ed institutions leading the way in social media.

The goal of #SMSsummit is to bring in presentations that deliver helpful, tangible, and actionable real-world tips and knowledge to attendees.

Here's what we look for in speaking submissions:

  • Session ideas with clear, concise takeaways for attendees. What are 3 things attendees will be able to do after attending your session? 
  • Case studies. What are some practical, real-life examples attendees can relate to? 
  • As much detail as possible! The more info we have about your potential session, the better we'll be able to gauge whether it's a good fit for our audience. 

The perks of being an #SMSsummit speaker

  • Exposure on the event website, emails, newsletters, and other marketing materials
  • Opportunity to publish on the Social Media Strategies Summit blog
  • Complimentary full access speaker pass to the summit
  • Virtual networking, new business contacts, and learning

If you find yourself nodding to the following points - we want to hear from you.

  • You’re open to partnering with #SMSsummit to deliver a great summit experience for attendees
  • You’re interested in attending the whole event and engaging online with attendees
  • You’re willing to help spread the word about the event to your network and within your company

Before submitting, please note...

Any companies offering services to our audience may be required to fund their speaking opportunity as part of a sponsorship. Each submission will be reviewed thoroughly.

Events do not have deadlines for sending in proposals. Potentially available speaking opportunities are on a first-come, first-served basis. Thank you for your understanding.

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