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Consumers today go into shopping with a deep market understanding. Brands that aren’t matching this with their own consumer and market understanding face unnecessary peril! Particularly as consumers buy with their hearts more often than not these days, with 71% of consumers preferring to purchase from brands aligned with their values. So, staying ahead of whatever shiny object has captured their attention is crucial.
In this session, join experts from Chemistry, MMGY, and NetBase Quid as they discuss best practices for gaining a solid understanding of your audience and the category utilizing consumer and market data. Using examples from the travel and hospitality industry, you’ll hear how using social listening to identify key recovery indicators has produced spectacular results for these heavily impacted businesses during the pandemic. You’ll walk away with the knowledge of how to move from assumptions and perceived audiences to build fundamental understanding, grounded data-driven confidence that is based on real people and their habits.
Sergio Oliveri
Digital Marketing Manager
NetBase Quid
Brandon Layland
Director, Social Media
Sydney Morgan
Content & Community Strategist