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Learn best practices in social media marketing from today's leading colleges and universities

October 18–21, 2021

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Featured Higher Ed Sessions:

UC Santa Barbara

Guidelines for Vetting and Setting up New Campus Social Accounts

Build a streamlined approach to establishing new profiles. Learn from UCSB, a campus implementing a registration process for new and existing accounts, a corresponding social directory, and a foundation of guidelines, best practices, and security protocols to serve as a resource to campus communicators.

Harvard Business School Office of Alumni Relations

Content Matters: Transforming Social Media Engagement into Tangible Content

During Bob's session, the audience will find ways to think differently about social media content and how--even if you're a one-person team like him--you can create engaging content around episodic social media events. 

Clemson University

How to Lead in Digital Accessibility

This session will provide a look at best practices for digital accessibility for marketers when creating content for social media platforms. Plus, it will provide resources for how to continue your educational journey beyond this session.


Learn the nuts and bolts of a successful social media strategy to position your institution for success — whether you're in recruitment, admissions, student experience, or alumni relations.

Assess and audit your current social media initiatives through real-life feedback, discussions, and peer-to-peer learning around top social platform best practices and emerging trends.

Revitalize your strategy framework as brand practitioners walk you step-by-step through successful case studies to help you identify new and creative ideas.

Cultivate your arsenal of tools, resources, and connections to champion a social media transformation back at your college or university. You'll leave feeling refreshed, inspired, and reinvigorated.

Experience a unique online gathering of senior-level, cross-industry marketers. We're the only event where attendees benefit from focused higher education sessions, along with access to consumer brand case studies.

Accelerate your career and your role within your company by learning to streamline your processes and improving your existing skills set.

Presenting Thought Leaders You'll Meet Online

Learn from higher education professionals from across the country who will share the proven social media strategies they use to grow their online communities!

Webb Lewis

Webb Lewis

Assistant Director, Marketing and Brand Strategy/Social Media
The University of Mississippi

Victoria Mendoza

Victoria Mendoza

Director of Social Media
University of Southern California

Hillary Smith

Hillary Smith

Assistant Director of Social Media
Clemson University

Josef Bookert

Josef Bookert

Digital and Social Media Strategist
Yale Medicine

Sydney Jones-Wright

Sydney Jones-Wright

Associate Director of Executive Communications
Vanderbilt University

Leah Mallett

Leah Mallett

Associate Director of Digital & Social Media
Bucknell University

Brandy Kift

Brandy Kift

Director of Marketing Strategy
Bucknell University

Josh McDaniel

Josh McDaniel

Former Director of Marketing & Branding
Northwestern State University of Louisiana

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Who will be there?

If you're a social media, marketing, or content professional that manages any of your university's social media channels, this event is your chance to meet and talk shop with your HESM community!

View Attendee List

Thought Leader Sponsors


Our Partners

Higher Ed Social
GlacierCampus SonarSocial Media InformerDan InstituteDANInvestor Brand NetworkSMPSuja Juice®Volt


We know our community well — which means over the last 10 years we’ve fine-tuned how to build a compelling, relevant agenda that we know you’ll find the most informative and inspirational. This is what our attendees love most about our social media marketing programs.

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